Work In The Outdoor
A great opportunity to use the outdoors as an extended classroom space as some children learn much better in an outdoor space. Considerations for outdoors can be inspired by forest schools – creating dens, observing wildlife, developing stories and language, mud painting and large scale sound makers.
Also a great chance to build skills with using real tools, creating a mud kitchen, natural mosaics and paints and large scale structures.
Projects have included:
Early Years – setting up a mud kitchen digging pit, crates and shelves for mixing on and saucepans, bowls and utensils for mixing in.
– Creating small spaces for hiding and quiet spaces.
Primary – den building with found sticks and branches, bamboo and cable ties. Children worked in small teams deciding where and how they should build the structure.
Secondary – Observing the outdoor environment and recording different times of day using various drawing and painting methods.